因此,我趁看 NBA 比賽的空檔,快速瀏覽了《Soft Skills: The software developer’s life manual》這本書,並做了一點筆記。
我現在(12/6 19:30 左右)寫這篇文的當下其實還蠻焦慮的欸⋯⋯
因為 SA 作業的狀況不太樂觀,然後我又打算現在寫這一篇文,而不是去弄那個作業。
Fake it till you make it
(這跟 self-image 有關,後面會提到)
Everything is good. Don’t limit your options.
我原本對 NBA 根本完全沒感覺,甚至看到就想轉掉。
Now put a schedule in place to actually get your OOO (like blog) started and create content for it.
- What if you don’t have time? Make it a priority.
Don’t be afraid to look like an idiot
- Everything is uncomfortable at first
- It’s okay to look like an idiot
- Take small steps (or dive right in)
Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it’s no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.
Just get it done!
- It’s great if you can keep yourself motivated, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and stick with the plan, motivated or not. Try to make decisions ahead of time that commit you to a course of action that you want to take.
- Utilize principles in place of motivation when your motivation runs out.
人在做選擇的時候其實也是會耗費精力的,如果在「執行 execute」的同時還得去「規劃 plan」,很容易因為「決策疲勞」而影響執行的效率,尤其又是在沒什麼動力的時候!
Time is short, if you want to do something in life, do it now.
A consistent process produces success.
沒有所謂的「一步登天」這回事,你看很多光鮮亮麗的成功人士 (或許這個詞用得不太精準),哪個不是靠日日夜夜的堅持和努力才達到那個高度呢?
The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else.
The driving force of a career must come from the individual.
Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!
Having a business mindset(像是:The service you provide is to create software)
Being a professional
- 不是做完就好,而是要做好(done < done right)
- 責任感
- 有自己的原則,而非被要求做什麼就乖乖做什麼
- 勇於承認自己的過失及知識上的「不清楚」
- 給人可靠的感覺
Marketing yourself
Marketing is a contest for people’s attention.
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
- 卡尼多隨筆
- Create a list of running blog post topics. Every time you think of a new idea, add it to this list. Then when you need to write a post, you’ll have plenty of ideas handy.
- Don’t worry about not being good at writing. It doesn’t matter if you’re good right now. What matters is that you start writing and you write consistently. Over time your skills will improve.
- I just started writing every day. I started mostly with blog posts. At first my blog posts were horrible, but eventually I got better. I’m still no Hemmingway, but I can now effectively communicate my thoughts and ideas in the written word—at least most of the time.
開始 → 持續進行 → 隨之進步(過程中當然可以視情況調整)
- 卡尼多玩聲音(之後或許改成多角化經營)
- Create a list of topics you could speak about.(對我自己來說,像是音訊處理專題,可以用來練習口語表達)
Find a gap and then fill it in.
looking for mentors 甚至 being a mentor
多多培養自學能力,企業真的很看重這一點!(要呈現出來,像是 GitHub 之類的展示)
- The steps themselves aren’t important. It’s the concept behind this learning process that really matters. The important thing is to develop a system that you can use to teach yourself—a system that you can consistently apply to get results.
- Get the big picture
- Determine scope
- Define success
- Find resources
- Create a learning plan
- Filter resources
- Learn enough to get started
- Learn the basics quickly and start playing around.(就像是打電動看攻略)
- Play around
- Learn enough to do something useful
- Teach
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.
- It all starts with focus
動力 → 行動?何不先採取行動,逐漸產生做事的感覺,進而有著動力持續下去?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
- Habits consist of three things: a cue, a routine, and a reward.
習慣 → 思考模式、行為舉止 → 類似蝴蝶效應進而引發後續的種種
Batch together any smaller tasks that can be done at one time instead of multiple times throughout the day or week.
Pick a large problem you’re facing now and see if you can figure out a good way to decompose it into smaller tasks.
personal productivity plan
- Quarterly planning → Monthly planning → Weekly planning → Daily planning and execution
- 關於 daily planning:I want to make sure that I know exactly what I’m doing and what criteria I’ll use to determine that a task is done before I start it. Doing this prevents me from procrastinating and wasting time during the day with tasks that aren’t clearly defined.
- 別忘了 breaks and vacations
the quota system
- The quota system also helps you overcome willpower weakness by presetting a course for you to follow, eliminating the need to make decisions.
- Eliminate the decision by making it mandatory, in the form of a quota, and you eliminate the willpower drain.
- 例子
- I will run three times each week.
- I will create one blog post each week.
- I will write one chapter each day.
- I will get 50 pomodori done each week.
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.
Stop thinking short term
retirement plan
- Retirement is all about working backwards
- Once you’ve come up with the monthly figure you need to live on to retire, you can officially “retire” when you reach that monthly income through passive income
- You do need to make sure the passive income source will increase with inflation—one of the main reasons why real estate is such a good investment choice.
- 行動
- Calculate your current monthly expenses. Figure out how much you could reduce those expenses by if you were willing to make some big sacrifices.
- Now calculate how much money you’d need to generate each month to retire off of your reduced expenses—make sure you leave a little buffer room.
- Figure out how much money you’d need to have at various rates of return, like 2%, 5%, and 10%, to have enough monthly income to retire.
- 作者怎麼看退休這件事(這個說得太好了!)
- I define retirement as freedom. To be more specific: financial freedom. The ability to not be forced to spend your time in a way that you don’t choose to spend your time due to financial constraints.
- I can also work on the projects that interest me, the ones that I want to work on—and not necessarily because of financial reasons.
The human body is the best picture of the human soul.
這跟「習慣 → 思考模式、行為舉止」的道理很像。
對 confidence、brain power 有益處
像是:健身、慢跑 (couch to 5k)、healthy diet
Living a healthy lifestyle
- After reaching your fitness goal, your battle isn’t over.
別忘了「習慣 → 思考模式、行為舉止 → 類似蝴蝶效應進而引發後續的種種」
- Picking a specific fitness goal
- Creating milestones
- Make sure the milestones are achievable.
- The momentum of success can help carry you forward and increase your motivation to reach your overall goal.
- Measuring your progress
- avoid too many measurements 否則 easily get overwhelmed
If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.
the mind influences the body
Capture your thoughts. Writing helps you to understand what’s going on in your head and to focus your mind on what you want it to be focused on.
Building a positive self-image: Programming your brain
- Your true battle is against mediocrity—and it begins in the brain. What you think about yourself has an amazing power to both limit you and fuel you forward.
- This self-image is powerful, because your brain tends to not allow you to do anything that would violate its assessment of self.
- If you can accept that you’re able to change some of the core beliefs you hold about yourself, then you’ll be able to alter your self-image to your own liking.
- 作者經驗分享
- I decided that I’d no longer be shy, so I pretended to not be shy. I forced myself into awkward situations. I constantly reaffirmed and told myself who I now was. I held a mental picture in my head of myself, but in my new form.
- And even to this day, I’m refining the picture of the person I want to be and taking control of my self-image to have it work for me instead of against me.
Reprogramming your brain
- fake it till you make it
- The formula is relatively simple. It just takes time and persistence to execute it properly.
- having a clear picture of what you want.
- imagine those goals clearly enough for your brain to be able to guide you down the path you need to go
- Act “as if” you were already what you desired to become.
- Don’t pay attention to reality. Don’t pay attention to what people say about your “changes”; instead, pretend like you’re already at your desired goal and that your behavior is a natural extension of this new personality.
- Your brain will actually start to believe something if you tell yourself it enough times.
- You can change them if you’re persistent and deliver a consistent message.
- I’d recommend finding quotes and images that remind you of the new mental state you want to have. Fill your day with positive affirmations that confirm and reinforce your new beliefs. Spend time mentally visualizing yourself as what you want to be.